Sunday, November 24, 2019
Why We Love Beginners Yoga For Weight Loss,yoga For Weight Loss,yoga For Beginners,beginners Yoga,20 Minute,yoga How To,yoga Flow,home Workout,yoga,home Yoga,gentle Yoga,how To Do Yoga,20 Min,routine,lean Legs,glutes,sanela,at Home,exercise,butt Lift,psychetruth,sanela Osmanovic,tone,legs,shape,how To,lift (And You Should, Too!)
psyche truth life wisdom hey guys
Welcome to the joy of yoga I'm Sharmin
today we are going to be working
on part of our yoga weight loss
the challenge for beginners this is going to
be fun
exciting so no excuses join us on your
so before we get started today I want to
tell you guys something very exciting we
are actually going to be having a
giveaway for this challenge where you
can win a beautiful dragonfly outfit
similar to one I'm wearing now but
actually in black so find out how to
enter in this video now go ahead and
come to a comfortable seated position on
your mat we are going to take our left
foot out so it's parallel with the front
of our mat and then stack our right shin
on top of our left shin making a nice
triangle shape with our legs we're going
to place the tops of our hands lightly
onto our knees and start in inhale
rising up for cat-cow exhaling rounding
that spine
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Yoga Weight Loss Challenge! 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners & Intermediate |
oh speaking of cat-cow breathing in we
really want to arch and we're reaching
back with the top Pat back part of our
we're not crunching our neck
we're not crunching our neck
behind us, we're trying to grow and as we
exhale we're keeping the shoulders
planted we're pulling the belly back
inhaling reaching that spine up nice and
long exhaling rounding out
if you found a little funky this morning
or whatever time you're practicing you
can even add a little snake charmer
action with your cat cows whatever is
fun for you taking nice deep breaths
we want to get everything moving and
grooving hitting the reset button on our
body bringing in all the organs out
and on your next inhale comment to sit
up nice and tall you can pull the flesh
out from underneath the buttocks so that
way your sacrum which is your hip bones
are nice and grounded and we are going
to reach our right arm just out to the
side of us taking our left arm up nice
and tall exhale
reaching out for seeded Hoffman
always breathing as we inhale we want to
expand that ribcage and exhale really
sinking deeper making sure that both of
our hips are still squarely on the mat
we don't want to be rising up and if
you're just here this is perfect next if
you want to take this a little bit
further, we can start adding a slight
crunch to this again keeping those hips
grounded moving with control we can take
our right arm behind the back or leave
it on the floor and use it for support
but we're exhaling and inhaling with
each motion inhaling to rise up exhaling
to go alright next inhale come to seated
we're going to scoot that left heel
right up by our bottom placing the right
heel in front of our knee we're going to
hook our elbow or if you can only reach
your hand that's fine too
placing our right arm behind our back
and twisting to look back over that
right shoulder and if this is too much
if you can't reach your elbow to your
the knee you can always take the foot that's
planted put it on the outside of the
a knee that is laying down and then just
use your hand
so pull on your knee following Tracy mmm
I'm so happy to have my best friends
with me today and I love that we get to
match and have fun so what do you think
of our outfits because I'm loving this
dragonfly it's so soft and stretchy
they're so pretty you guys thank you
yeah so exciting hmm all right and on
your next inhale we're coming back to
sitting now we are going to switch our
legs out so our right shin is coming
parallel with the top of our mat and our
left shin is going to go right on top
making that nice triangle placing the
hands-on the knee cups we're going to
inhale reaching that chest up long
keeping the back of the neck nice and
long exhale try to make these movements
isolated slow them down
really use that core use your back make
this an action that starts from the
ground and works its way up to your spine
Katie-cat Zeppelin says to use your core
don't forget to breathe and on your next
inhale go ahead and come up to a nice
the tall seated position we're sitting
stacked directly over our hips now
placing the left hand just out to the
side of us reaching that right arm up
nice and tall and sliding out on that
exhale again keeping that belly pulled
in I'm not fussed over here I'm really
trying to lengthen my spine still
keeping that right hip grounded even if
you're just here slightly to the side
that's great just keep working at it and
you'll get deeper and deeper
and then now if we want to take this to
the next level we can start our pulses
exhaling to reach out inhaling to sit up
can even take that arm behind the back
or use it to help you
Yoga is all about finding what is right
for you, no two people are the same
I'm not your learning curve
and on your next inhale coming up to
seated we're now going to tuck that left
foot I'm sorry right foot by our hip
the left foot comes over by the knee again
you can take whatever variation works
for you but we're pulling in that
bellies zipping it up and taking that
left arm behind our back
and reaching over keeping the spine nice
and long
and inhale coming back to Center okay so
next what we're going to do is some
the seated twist we're going to have our
goalie arms here and every exhale we're
going to turn to look back over that
shoulder and we're going to inhale to
Center and then exhale to look over the
opposite shoulder again taking our head
with us,
Rabu and exhale really twisting
Rabu and exhale really twisting
wringing out those organs and inhale
back to Center next we're going to come
up for our kneeling Halfmoon go-ahead
and come to your right knee trailing
your foot right back behind you you can
step your right hand just out to the
side so that way it lands underneath
that shoulder keeping that slight bend
in your elbow pulling in to the side
inhale lifting that foot straight up
making sure it's in alignment with your
body activating the belly exhaling we're
gonna crunch forward kind of rounding
the spine inhale to straighten out
stretch exhale really activating from
the core now if this is too much for you
you can always come down to your side by
scooting your knee down lowering your
hip and then bringing your elbow down
and then the same thing inhaling exhaling to
inhale exhale to crunch
following along with miss Tracy and one
more time inhale-exhale crunch and
inhale now we're going to go ahead and
do the same thing another side so now I'm
switching over to the left knee foot
trailing back behind walking that left
foot out keeping everything in alignment
here inhaling that arm up and foot up
exhale crunching in really reaching and
extending if you want on your inhales
you can even reach back behind exhale to
bring that inactivating that belly EXO
moving at your own pace
breathing and inhale back to kneeling
alright go ahead and join us on your
back with your knees up and feet planted
you can take your arms out to the side
in a position or have them bent in the
the cactus position we're going to pick our
knees up flexing the feet and then we're
going to exhale taking the knees to one
side not going farther than what you can
do without picking up that opposite
elbow exhale other side inhaling to pick
back up exhale lower down again keeping
both shoulders planted making this an
action starting from the tummy
if you need to or want to you can take
it another level by taking the leg
straight up in the air adds a bit more
of a challenge really squeezing those
inner thighs you can do it I'm shaking
the storm within calm without inhaling back to
Center you can go ahead and hug your
knees do you want to give them a kiss
thank you knees and then the same thing
putting the arms back out t-position or
cactus trying to take them as straight
up as you can if you need to have a
little bend and out somewhat that's fine
but make sure you're really pulling in
that bellybutton making those toes shake
and quiver and on your inhale we're
going to open out exhale bringing up
right foot across
inhale apart right foot comes behind now
exhale taking back up I'm shaking see my
toes wiggling
squeezing that belly
keep pushing the mind gives up before
the body does one last one and exhale
knees to chest hug it out you can even
hold your hands on your knees and kind
of pull your shoulders out but pushing
your knees forward into your hands
pressing those hips around mmm good job
way to hang in there
me burning alright now we are going to go
into laying down eagle pose here so we
are going to pick up our left knee right
the leg comes up over and then tuck your
right foot under if you can't reach that
right foot all the way around your calf
just yet you can follow along with Tracy
and you really want to make sure that
you are pulling the outside of your calf
together so that way your sandwich in it
because eventually, we want to make it
too tucked all the way so then we are
going to do opposite arms of our legs so
then now my right arm comes in left
comes behind wraps under and claps again
if you can't quite get there all the way
you can press the backs of your hands
together and activating that belly we're
going to inhale extend your legs out and
arms up and out and exhale really
reaching and pulling open exhaling
pulling everything in twisting our way
to a smaller belly
bring out those organs and inhale exhale
and go ahead and inhale to unwind
comfortable oh yeah man let it loose do
what you need to yell at me
so yes that's your actually your IT
band and it's actually getting a really
big stretch when you're pulling on it
especially if you're a desk dweller move
DD furloughs oh yes so this will stretch
you out while working your core all
right let's go ahead and go for the
another side so right leg lifts up making
that 90-degree angle left leg wraps over
under and squeezing together we want to
activate those thighs and flexing my
feet now my left elbow comes upright
arm reps under and around again if you
can only come so far make sure you're
just really squeezing and reaching go
ahead and just set yourself here
pressing the low back into the floor
inhale reaching out long long long
exhale bringing your knees to your
elbows and yell and if you can only
reach so far that's so fine that's all
good that's where you are that's your
the body no shame in any game yeah
just keep working just keep trying
Iceland and exhale and go ahead and
slowly unravel oh good job guys hmm deep
breaths here wiggle it out if you want
you just let it out what's that song let
it goes shake it out okay no
you can go ahead and inhale taking your
feet into your hands so I'm reaching
through the insides of my legs to grab
my heels if you can only reach your
calves that's totally fine or if you
have towels or straps by all means use
them and here we are going to be
activating that belly pulling that belly
button in and just reaching to bring our
knees to our armpits and if you're again
like I said if you're just here hanging
out and you're like a nose as far as I can
go that's totally fine yeah no that's
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