Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Why We Love How To Make Healthy Eating Unbelievably Easy (And You Should, Too!)
- My little brother was very good at a few things
- from a very young age.
- The first thing he was really good at
- was making everybody laugh without trying.
- Like the one time I told him
- he should have a little bit
- of protein after a workout.
- He got all excited
- because he thought I said "poutine."(Laughter)
- The second thing he was good at
- was eating large quantities of food.
- Come dinner time
- it wasn't uncommon for him to outeat
- most of the adults at the table.
- Now, as you may have guessed,
- as a five-foot-nothing little boy,
- there is, in fact, a downside
- to regularly outeating full-grown men.
- At just 11 years old, I could already see
- that, if nothing else changed
- my little brother was headed
- for an adolescent life littered with teasing
- and unhealthy eating.
- As his older brother,
- I wanted to do something about it.
- As a nutrition, or kinesiology student,
- with an intense interest in nutrition
- I knew that I had to do
- something about it.
- Initially, I wasn't sure how,
- Im serious to find a way immidietly.
- Now I broke my leg while I was
- walking to class, and I slipped on some ice.
- Yes, that is the whole story.
- I was walking, there was some ice.
- Poof, broken leg.
- No lives saved.
- No purses returned.
- No cool story to tell.
- Little did I know as I lay there
- in that quickly melting puddle of ice,
- waiting for the ambulance to arrive,
- that this moment would forever
- change the life of my little brother.
- After I had a surgery
- to attach a small titanium plate
- and a few screws onto my fibula,
- I was given two crutches,
- and told not to put any weight
- on my leg for two months.
- This posed a unique problem,
- as there was still plenty
- of snow and ice on the ground.
- And I still had two months left of class, spread out over one of the largest
- campuses in the country.
- So, with that in mind,
- I made a decision that any hard-working student
- in my position would do.
- And I obviously decided
- to stop going to classes.(Laughter)
- Now, with all this free time
- from studying at home
- I had finally figured out
- how I was going to help my little brother.
- I knew that what he needed to do
- was very simple in theory
- but very difficult in practice.
- What he needed to do
- was change his eating habits.
- From experience
- I knew the things that he needed
- to change, and the things that he didn't.
- The problem was that communicating
- this through somebody else
- would most likely just end up
- like the childhood game of telephone.
- The message gets passed along,
- but with little misunderstandings
- and misinterpretations along the way.
- There's not much left
- of the original message
- and everybody's just left confused.
- And my little brother's eating habits
- are left unchanged.
- So, keeping that in mind, I made
- one of the best decisions of my life,
- and I decided to move back home
- for the next two weeks,
- and make every single meal
- that my little brother would eat,
- educating him about proper
- nutrition along the way.
- While I was at home,
- in the kitchen, I often found myself
- awkwardly trying to maneuver
- holding on to two crutches,
- hot pans, and sharp knives.
- It wasn't very easy.
- I also had to make sure to take
- little breaks every few minutes
- to make sure that the swelling in my ankle
- wouldn't become unbearable.
- Now, after just two weeks,
- not only were the results phenomenal,
- but they were as a result of a strategy
- that anybody can use.
- The reason we were able to see
- such dramatic and positive results,
- which I'm very excited
- to share with you later, is that we changed his environment
- to match his goal.
- We made his environment work for him,
- instead of against him.
- This simply meant replacing
- all of the bad options with healthy ones.
- Making this uncomplicated adjustment
- enabled us to easily
- transform his nutrition
- from the standard American diet,
- ironically referred to
- from its acronym SAD,
- to wholesome and nutritious
- without a hitch.
- Because of the planning this
- wasn't the least bit difficult to do.
- When you remove the unhealthy options
- wholesome and nutritious food
- becomes both plan A, and plan B.
- The beauty of this solution
- is that it takes willpower
- almost completely out of the equation.
- Quite simply, if it's not there,
- you can't eat it.
- An added bonus to this strategy
- is if there's no chips
- on the counter calling your name,
- it's likely that you'll just
- forget about them
- and completely avoid the feeling
- of deprivation all at once.
- Little bit of a brain block.
- This may sound a little bit
- too simple to be true
- but I assure you it's not.
- When you remove the barriers
- to your success --
- in my little brother's case,
- unhealthy food --
- and you replace, or you pave
- the way, barrier-free
- the road to success
- becomes a much smoother ride.
- So set up your environment
- so that it works for you,
- instead of against you.
- This works well for any goal.
- For my little brother,
- I was the environment.
- I made all of his food,
- gave him the right snacks
- and answered all of his questions.
- But what would that have
- looked like if I wasn't there,
- and how can you make this work for you?
- Well, to be successful,
- you have to minimize
- the difficult decisions being made.
- Say, for example, you walk into the lobby
- and, on the left of those tables,
- is delicious chocolate chip cookies,
- squares, and everything you like.
- On the right side,
- is fresh fruit and vegetables
- vibrant colors, chopped up nicely,
- they're crunchy and juicy.
- You've been sitting in here
- for two hours, so you're starving,
- you have a choice to make.
- Should you choose option A on the left
- or should you choose the wholesome
- nutritious broccoli on the right?
- Given this scenario
- I think it would be very hard
- for most of us
- to resist the temptation of option A.
- This is a real-life situation,
- and it's one that happens all the time.
- It's very important,
- because of that reason.
- So when you remove
- the barriers to your success,
- it will just become a little bit easier
- for you to not have to make
- that hard decision
- in the first place.
- Here's how you can make
- this strategy work for yourself.
- Start off by finding out
- what your personal trigger foods are,
- and make a promise to not keep them
- in your house anymore.
- So that when the time comes,
- the decision has already
- been made for you.
- Now, that's not to say you can never
- have these foods again.
- If you really want one, you can always
- just go to the store, and buy one,
- or you can keep it
- so that you're only having them
- at special events, such as this.
- Just don't keep a stash
- underneath the cupboard
- if you know that they're going
- to be an issue for you.
- That's how you make your environment
- work for you, instead of against you.
- That's how you make healthy eating
- the default, and not the exception.
- So if you have a personal goal
- of eating better,
- go home, find all of your junk food,
- and a neighbor that you're
- not particularly fond of,
- and give it all to them.
- The basis of this strategy worked
- for my little 11-year-old brother,
- and it can certainly work for you too.
- Let me just finish off
- by sharing the final results
- of my little brother's lifestyle change.
- Let me also just point out,
- that I had one main rule
- that I wanted to follow
- with the change.
- At no point,
- did I want my 11-year-old brother
- to feel hungry, or deprived.
- Here's how that worked out.
- After the first seven days,
- he had lost five pounds.
- After the second week,
- it was eight pounds.
- But it didn't just stop there.
- I went back to write exams,
- and he kept going.
- After 20 days, it was ten pounds,
- and, by 36 days,
- he had averaged half a pound a day
- to top it off at 18 pounds lost.
- Make your environment work FOR YOU
- If everybody had their environment
- working for them, instead of against them
- my little brother's level of success
- would be the norm.
- My hope is that one day it will be.
- Thank you.
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Why We Love How To Make Healthy Eating Unbelievably Easy (And You Should, Too!) |
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