Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Today we're going to do a walking workout and upper body fitness for women over 50 hi I'm Rani friend of Sharmin! and welcome to "How to be healthy"
Remarkable Website - WALKING WORKOUT FOR WOMEN OVER 50 Will Help You Get There
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How I Improved My WALKING WORKOUT FOR WOMEN OVER 50 In One Easy Lesson |
today's workout is going to burn fat and tone out upper body including our back chest shoulders and arms I'm going to be using two-pound weights for the duration of this workout but if you need to put them down at any point that's totally fine also if you don't have weights this workout is still super effective the goal is to get fit stay strong and have some fun let's get started I'm so excited you're here
with me today we're going to do 30 seconds of indoor walking followed by 30 seconds of toning exercises this is a 10-minute workout and it's a low-impact it's going to burn but it's a feel-good burn a burn that going to make you really proud of yourself keep your feet straight your core held in tight and your elbows a little bit bent you're going to feel this in your chest muscles as you bring your arms out and then back in stay strong and keep going thirty seconds of walking indoor walking kids our
heart rate up in between our sets so keep your arms and legs strong and hold your core in tight the opposite to old is new not necessarily young so to stay young and vital the key is to do new movements new thoughts new experiences keep going a great job this exercise works your lats and your shoulders so these help with the dreaded back fat push your weights up then focus on your left
as you pull down in a controlled way challenging your mid and upper back muscles and arms keep your core held in tight30 seconds of strong power walking if you're lucky enough to have the gift of a body that moves like this think it by moving every single day for the rest of your life it's such a small price to pay for the blessing you're amazing keep strong and keep going straight arm raises stand tall palms down and focus on keeping your arms straight and in focus on your shoulders you're going to
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Proof That WALKING WORKOUT FOR WOMEN OVER 50 Is Exactly What You Are Looking For |
feel this in your shoulders and your upper back and this will keep the shoulders moving and functional and that's super important is our bodies get older let's walk we're not resting we're walking focus on tightening all the muscles in your arms and your legs and stay strong take your arms straight out in front have your palms facing down and squeeze your shoulder blades together while keeping your arms straight this works the arms shoulders and upper back and it's really great for posture stay
strong and keep everything activate we're going to take a 30-second break keep it moving if you can and take a drink of water just feel good about yourself if you're enjoying this workout please click the like button and if you haven't subscribed to our blog I would love it to have you here take a few deep breaths you're halfway there and you are fabulous we're back in three two one let's make this next half stronger than the first aging occurs because of a massive disuse of the body followed by a massive
disuse of the brain so if you want to stay mentally and physically sharp move your body every single day and introduce new experiences that you haven't tried before it's all about constant change and forward movement it's our magic pillars out to the side elbows at a 90-degree angle and rotate the palms down we're working the rotator cuff muscles that keep the shoulder joint mobile and stable keep your back straight and focus on the function and rotation of this exercise keep going and you're amazing well let's walk focus on holding in and squeezing your glutes as you take each step the more
you think about strengthening each muscle group the better results you'll get started with your palms facing in at shoulder height and press up so your palms face outlets this move is so affected because it hits all three sections of the deltoid the round looking muscle that caps the top of your upper arm I love this one keep your back straight and your core holding tight you're on fire your upper body will definitely be feeling the burn by now but please drop the weights if it's a bit too much for you can
pick them up again when your arms are a bit more rested bend at the waist knees slightly bent chest up and core strong palms facing in and lips straight out elbows slightly bent this exercise targets the rear shoulders that are the deltoids and the muscles in the middle and upper back feel those shoulder blades pulling towards each other can you feel yourself getting stronger this is music from the 60s so
think back to that time and remember how far you've come the challenges you've overcome and the magic you've created along the way we need to celebrate the small things more and let go of all the bad stuff and with the dumbbells held by both hands lifted over your head until both arms are fully extended keep your arms against your ears and use your triceps to move the weight up and down this exercise targets our back of your arms and that's our batwings so to keep your arms looking toned do
this often but keep it up thirty seconds of walking use the feeling of accomplishment having almost finished this workout and use it to the self in ten years time see yourself healthy strong fit and full of vitality you're the architect and I think you're amazing to keep your palms up arms out straight and to
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At Last, The Secret To WALKING WORKOUT FOR WOMEN OVER 50 Is Revealed |
the side now keep the upper arms stationary exhale and curl the weights in while contracting your biceps we'reworking the bicep and the shoulder muscles now keep going feel that burn keep walking for another 30 seconds as you start to cool down today is going to be a great day and repeat after me
the older I get the better I get and the better I get the more I can experience Shanti's work out to a plane this so you can do it a couple of times a week thank you so much for working out with me and please go out and have a beautiful day.
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