How to be healthy

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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Quickest & Easiest Way To HEALTHY MORNING HABITS

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Welcome back to "How to be healthy" or if you're new hi, I'm Puja friend of this blog owner.

Mornings can be a source of stress for a lot of people. Rushing to get ready, so that you can head out the door or thinking about all the things that need to be done on that day. For me, personally, mornings are my favorite part of the day
This Study Will Perfect Your HEALTHY MORNING HABITS: Read Or Miss Out

Are You Making These HEALTHY MORNING HABITS Mistakes
Are You Making These HEALTHY MORNING HABITS Mistakes

Now Do you need to follow every single thing I mentioned on this list?  No, of course not, Just pick the ones that you think are going to bring you the most pleasure in the morning, or the most benefit. Let's get started. I'm adamantly against rushing in the morning I think how our day begins offers a 

a glimpse into how the rest of our day will be. Started stressed and you'll tend to stay emotionally charged. Start relaxed and your mind will be more at ease throughout the day. Wake up a little bit earlier if you have to so that you don't have to rush. Some incentives play calming and gentle music to help you wake And don't press the snooze button when you hear it. Get in the habit of getting right 

upset in the natural light to boost your mood and get your circadian rhythm in sync with the daylight. Meditation, as lovely as it sounds, many of us hear it and still don't do it and I'm not about to preach to you to start. The idea of sitting on the floor in absolute silence for someone who's never meditated before, it can be an uncomfortable thought, so if meditation isn't your thing, as amazing as I 

think it is, tries this instead. Take a deep breath and then do the 5-4-3-2-1 exercise. Say aloud to yourself five things that you can see. Carpet, lilacs, candles, pot, and books. Four things that you can feel cushion behind the back, elbow on armrests, the hair on neck warmth of the mug in hand. Three things that 

you can hear, bird and tree, refrigerator running, kettles boiling water. Two things that you can smell, essential oils, the scent of tea. One thing that you can taste, even if you're not eating or drinking something. There is a taste in your mouth, become aware of it. This exercise is a more interactive way of becoming mindful in the present moment.I'm also avidly against having the TV on in the morning because I think that it strips us from our ability to be mindful in the present moment, and I think you 

can also add stress especially if you're watching something like the morning news. Have you gotten into the habit of watching TV? Then try substituting it for some calming music, instead. If you need to check your phone for messages, do it after breakfast. The morning deserves your attention. Drinking 
Here's A Quick Way To Solve A Problem with HEALTHY MORNING HABITS
Here's A Quick Way To Solve A Problem with HEALTHY MORNING HABITS

water helps to rehydrate after a long night's sleep. It helps to jump-start the metabolism, helps the body flush out toxins, and helps to maintain regular bowel movements. I have gotten into the habit of having a tall glass, as soon as I wake up, before having breakfast. Don't drink water each morning? Here's a way to make it more enticing. Add cucumbers, berries, lemons, limes or orange slices to flavor it. If this feels too burdensome add a splash of your favorite 100 percent of fruit juice to give it 

some flavor. I also, continue to hydrate throughout the morning with plenty of tea. As a dietitian and nutritionist, this is one area I place a lot of importance on. Having a nutritious breakfast helps to boost our energy and kick- start our mental focus for the day. Include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, plant-based milk, and yogurts. Breakfast time and fiber will keep you full for the remainder of the morning, so you can focus on things other than your grumbling stomach. I have also gotten into the 

the habit of taking my vitamin B12 and vitamin D supplements at breakfast, too. Here is an important suggestion. Enjoy your breakfast with someone, if you can family, partner, roommate or friends socializing and talking about your thoughts and plans for the day is a wonderful way to get the day started. Enjoying breakfast on your own, ditch the TV or computer screen and instead practice the mindfulness technique, I mentioned before actually, see your food, feel the texture of it in your 

mouth, hear the sound it makes when you pick it up with a spoon or bite into it, actually smell the food and taste, truly taste the food instead of just eating it mechanically. Don't you think it deserves your attention? Some people choose to write down a list of gratitudes or intentions each morning. Personally, I prefer to talk them out as opposed to writing them down. So if I'm sharing my breakfast with somebody, which is most morning, then these are questions that I ask them the other 

person and they can ask me, too. I think it helps to build a closer bond with that person and it also keeps you accountable to the intentions that you said and the insights that they share with you might actually find helpful to get your day started. But if you're somebody who's enjoying breakfast.

What am I thinking? How am I feeling emotionally and why? How am I feeling physically? What are my two intentions for the day? What are the two things I'm grateful for? And what is one thing that could increase my happiness today? By checking in daily with what's going on inside 

of you, you will have more control and understanding of what is going on around you. Some people recommend drawing up a plan or a to-do list for your day in the morning. But personally, I prefer to do that the night before, that way I can hit the ground running. Instead, I spent a couple of minutes in the morning reviewing this list and actually visualizing what I'm going to get done for the day. 

Visualization is an extremely powerful tool, so if you can dedicate even a minute or two to actually plan out a movie in your mind's eye of the things that are important for you to get done in the day. They're more likely to happen. Prepping your snacks for the day in the morning means that you will be less likely to graze throughout the day or reach for unhealthy convenient foods when hunger strikes.

 Cut up some fruit so it's ready to eat. Portion out some nut butter and crackers or set aside some dried fruit, like figs or dates. So they're on hand when you need something to keep your energy up. I mentioned this in a previous article and a habit that I certainly live by. So try getting into the habit of cleaning the surfaces in your home before you leave for the day. Clear the kitchen counter, dining table, coffee table or any clutter and do the dishes, too. By doing this, even if you've had a really long 

and stressful day, you know that you can come home to a clean space. You might have heard about this important thing called exercise. Don't worryI'm not about to preach to you to start. When you know it's useful to do and if it's something you haven't already started, then maybe we just need to try a new approach. Remember that the scariest part is always just before you begin. Try starting by just getting some fresh air. Step out onto the balcony have your tea in the yard in the morning. That gets too easy, 
Why Some People Almost Always MakeSave Money With HEALTHY MORNING HABITS
Why Some People Almost Always MakeSave Money With HEALTHY MORNING HABITS

then get off the bus one stop early and walk the extra bit or try biking to work or school, as possible. If the weather is stopping you, try doing some light stretching inside little changes made in increments are going to get you closer to an active morning in no time, and if you're somebody who prefers 

to exercise in the evening it is still important to get a little bit of fresh air or maybe some light stretching in the morning if you can. and there you have it, 10 healthy morning habits. I hope that you found them helpful don't forget to download the PDF in the description box just down below and start to 

check off the items that you choose to follow. You can also use this as a tool to add your own customized healthy morning habits. Things like remembering to floss my piece or remember to pack my lunch for the day. One more recommendation I have for you is to add or change only one new habit at a time. 

The last thing you want to do is overwhelmed yourself and then not stick with it after just a few days. They say it takes 21 days for a new habit to form, so once you've stuck with it for a full three weeks, 

then consider adding a new habit if you'd like. All right, that's it from Pick up Limes today. You know the drill: like, subscribe to our blog. 

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